Research and Demonstration Pilot Programme in Agriculture
The Pilot R&D programme seeks to bring together a wide range of TCc stakeholders, to actively cooperate with each other in order to increase the level of education and awareness of farmers, advisors and agri-food processors on identified pilot themes and unlock and develop the potential for innovation in practice.
The main goal of the Pilot R&D programme is to overcome the big gap that exist between science and practice in the identified pilot themes and to make science even more beneficial for agriculture by facilitating the transfer of scientific knowledge into practice.

Sub-Thematic Network
Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs)

Research and Demonstration Pilot Programme Medicinal and Aromatic Plants Sub-thematic Network
Workshop and Field Event (14-15 December 2022)
On Wednesday 14 December 2022, FAS experts held a public event for all those interested in Medicinal and Aromatic Plants.
Presentations and discussions were held on the work plan, the planned demo events and demo plots envisaged for establishment, the species to be used and the various properties and use.
Training was then offered to all those attending on proper techniques, tools and use of materials for the propagation of seedlings of a variety of plant species that will be used to establish the demo plot and nursery.
On Thursday 15 December 2022, the Project experts hosted a field trip with participation of the public
during which explanation was provided on wild aromatic and medicinal plants species, properties, use, propagation and harvesting techniques.

Sub-Thematic Network – Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs)
Harvesting and Processing of MAPs – Training and Field Demonstration Event
The EU funded project for implementation of Farm Advisory Services will be organising training and field demonstration events during which details will be shared on how harvesting and processing of Medicinal and Aromatic plants should be conducted, how to handle the plant material, and what tools, equipment and devices are required to ensure a proper, clean, and quality product.
Participants will also have the opportunity to learn about herbal tea making, distillation of essential oils, preparation of creams and other products.
The event is open to everyone interested but prior registration is required due to limited space.
When shall it take place?
14 – 15 June 2023
Where and at what time?
On 14 June 2023 at Pergamos/Beyarmudu – South Mesaoria Social Centre
On 15 June 2023 at Kyrenia – Acapulco Hotel
Both events start at 10:00 and end at 16:30

EU FAS Research and Demonstration Pilot Programme in Agriculture
Sub-Thematic Network – Medicinal and Aromatic Plants (MAPs)
Seminar and Field Day
What will the event be about?
The EU funded Project for implementation of Farm Advisory Services will be organising a training and field demonstration event during which information about wild medicinal and aromatic plants will be shared, including details on identification and use. This will be followed by a practical session on “how it’s made” intended to cover the processing and use of MAPs into popular finished products that are mostly used on a daily basis. Plant material will be analysed and training on production techniques and packaging types and standardization will also be covered. Participants will have the opportunity to engage in a new experience using essential oil to make a basic perfumery product.
The next full day will be devoted to a walk into the countryside to identify plants, learning sustainable harvest and appropriate handling techniques for commercial use.
When shall it take place?
24 -25 October 2023
Where and at what time?
- On 24 October 2023 at Yialousa/Yenierenkoy local community Cultural Centre. Time: 10:00-16:00.
- On 25 October 2023 at Karpasia/Karpaz. Meeting at Yialousa/Yenierenkoy local community Cultural Centre. Time: 09:00
How can I participate?
Please register in advance and by no later than Monday 23 October 2023 by:
WhatsApp: 0548 848 8428
Telephone: 0548 848 8428

Sub-Thematic Network
Carob Production

Image Gallery
Sub-Thematic Network – Carob Production
“Carob Production – it’s relevance & economic importance as a value crop”
What will the event be about?
The EU funded Project for implementation of Farm Advisory Services will be organising a seminar followed by a field event during which details will be shared on the existing situation of carob cultivation in the northern part of Cyprus, details of studies on characterization of carob genotypes, climatic requirements and general cultivation needs of carob trees, potential use of existing and new carob varieties, adding value to carob through transformation, market conditions in the world and crucial aspects on harvesting and processing.
On the second day, participants will have the opportunity to visit a food business operator to see how carobs are handled, transformed and marketed.
When shall it take place?
17 – 18 August 2023
Where and at what time?
- On 17 August 2023 at the 2nd floor meeting hall, “department of agriculture” in Nicosia. Time: 10:00am – 16:00pm
- On 18 August 2023 in Famagusta, Time: 09:00am – 12:00pm
How I can participate?
Please register in advance and by no later than Tuesday 16 August 2023 by:
WhatsApp: 0548 848 8428
Telefon: 0548 848 8428

Image Gallery
Sub-Thematic Network – Carob Production
“Carob Cultivation – Key aspects for successful production strategies”
What will the event be about?
The EU funded Project for implementation of Farm Advisory Services will be organising a seminar followed by a field demonstration event during which details will be shared about the proper techniques and good practices for establishment of carob orchards including irrigation & fertilization requirements, pests & disease management and propagation, pruning and rejuvenation techniques.
The day will start with presentations and discussions followed by practical hands-on training on carob propagation, pruning and rejuvenation methods on a carob plantation.
When shall it take place?
7 September 2023
Where and at what time?
- Yialousa/Yeniereköy local community building Time: 10:00am – 17:30pm
How I can participate?
Please register in advance and by no later than Tuesday 6 September 2023 by:
- E-mail:
- WhatsApp: 0548 848 8428
- Telefon: 0548 848 8428

Sub-Thematic Network
Forage Crops

Research and Demonstration Pilot Program
Forage Network Workshop and Field Event (4-6 November 2022)
A technical and practical demonstration event is being organised as part of the forage theme under the research and demonstration pilot programme. During the first day information will be provided on the trials that will be conducted, details about the field preparatory activities, the varieties being tested, aspects of the demo sites and the trial monitoring activities. During days 2 and 3, participants will convene at the demo sites to experience practical techniques and technologies applied for the cultivation of these novel varieties. A limited number of samples of some of these new varieties will be offered free of charge to those attending so they can also be tested on their agricultural holding. Due to limited availability these will be offered on a first come first served basis. Participation is without registration, and everyone is welcome.

Sub-Thematic Network-Forage Crops
Seminar and Field Day on “Results from the Trials on New Forage Crop Varieties and Importance of Animal Feed Quality”, 11-12 July 2023
The EU funded project for implementation of Farm Advisory Services will be organising a seminar and a field demonstration event during which details will be shared on how the new certified forage seed varieties are performing as part of the trials being conducted.
Contributions will be made by Turkish Cypriot experts on animal feed, food safety and crop nutrient management to share local experiences with on-going initiatives and others planned.
On the second day participants will have the opportunity to visit an EU funded project for the production of compost from recycling of green waste for use in agriculture and horticulture production. The event is open to everyone interested but prior registration is required due to limited space.
The event will take place on Tuesday 11 July and Wednesday 12 July 2023 from 9:30am till 1:30pm. A draft programme is attached for further information.
Participation is strictly by registration due to the limited seating capacity. If you are interested you are kindly requested to send us an email to or by reaching us on 0548 848 84 28 until noon of Monday 10 July 2023.

Research and Demonstration Pilot Programme in Agriculture
Seminar and Demonstration Days
What will the event be about?
The EU funded Project for implementation of Farm Advisory Services will be organising a seminar followed by a field demonstration event.
On the first day the seminar will treat key topics such as:
- The importance of appropriate soil and crop nutrient management including good practices.
- Techniques, technologies for optimal and efficient use of water for irrigation.
- EU regulations and relevant standards for the proper use and application of treated sewage sludge (TSS) and of recycled water in agriculture
On the second day, participants will have the opportunity to participate to a field demonstration activity during which explanation on the proper methods and use of technology for the application of treated sewage sludge on the fields will be offered.
When shall it take place?
26 – 27 October 2023
Where and at what time?
- On 26 October 2023 at the Ataturk Culture Centre in Morphou/Güzelyurt. Time: 10:00 – 16:00
- On 27 October 2023, meet at Atatürk Culture Centre in Morphou/Güzelyurt and move to a demonstration field. Time: 09:00 – 12:00
How I can participate?
Please register in advance and by no later than Tuesday 25 October 2023 by:
WhatsApp: 0548 848 8428
Telephone: 0548 848 8428

Sub-Thematic Network
Halloumi/Hellim PDO

Sub-Thematic Network Halloumi/Hellim PDO – Training of Advisors
The EU funded Farm Advisory Service Project is organising a training on the Halloumi/Hellim PDO production chain as part of the Pilot Research and Demonstration Programme in Agriculture.
This training is being offered to farm advisors and other consultants such as food technologists or veterinarians, in order to develop knowledge and capacities for guiding and advising the various stakeholders involved in the Halloumi/Hellim production chain.
The training will cover all aspects required to ensure that the processes are in line with both PDO and public health requirements. This covers the primary production on the farm until the final product is manufactured at the dairy.
The event organised in cooperation with the EU Food Safety Project and will be held on Thursday 25 May 2023 at the EUPSO premises in Nicosia.

Sub-Thematic Network Halloumi/Hellim PDO
“What you need to know & how to prepare for Halloumi/Hellim PDO Certification” (22 June 2023)
The EU Farm Advisory Service Project is organising a Seminar on “What you need to know & how to prepare for Halloumi/Hellim PDO Certification”, on Thursday, 22 June 2023.
During the seminar information will be offered on the requirements for farmers, the standards and obligations of Food Business Operators and how those interested can apply for certification.
Farmers, Food Business Operators and other Key Actors involved in the Halloumi/Hellim production and certification process will have the opportunity to exchange their experiences and share lessons learnt so far.
The event will take place on Thursday 22 June 2023 from 9:00am onwards at Merit Hotel, Nicosia. A draft programme is attached for further information.
Participation is strictly by registration due to the limited seating capacity. If you are interested you are kindly requested to contact us at 548 848 84 28 whatsapp/phone number, e-mail address until noon of Wednesday 21 June 2023.