The FAS Project prepares and distributes every 3 months a newsletter on Agriculture and Rural Development with a focus on the advisory system. You will find information about latest events, publications, activities, projects, new technologies and innovation in agriculture, experiences and good practices locally and internationally and many other features.
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Send your input
If you have relevant information for the FAS project to share based on agriculture and rural development – an event, a video, an inspirational idea, a call for contributions, a report, etc- then please do send it to us on info@tcc-farm-advisory.eu
Newsletters go out every 3 months, so please send the info to us at least 4 weeks before that date.
European Innovation Partnership – Agriculture (EIP-AGRI)
This section contains various factsheets published by the EIP network on various themes related to agriculture production and agri-food sectors. If you are interested to learn more about new practices, technology and results of various thematic working groups have a look at here :
Publication List
EU Animal Husbandry Project
This section contains various publications related to animal production that was develop and published during the course of the EU “Animal Husbandry Project” that took place in the northern part of Cyprus. The materials cover various relevant aspects of production including information on specific diseases, practices and topics. For further information have a look at here:
Publication List
European Network for Rural Development – ENRD
The ENRD is the European Network for Rural Development, which is coordinated by the Directorate General for Agriculture, and Rural Development. The network is composed from representations of all the EU Member States and deal with various policy related issues such as rural entrepreneurship, food value chains, advisory services, LEADER and many more.
The network has a broad range of publications with new ones published regularly. Visit their website and learn what is happening around Europe!
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FACEnetwork is a European association, which aims to represent and defend the interests of farmhouse and artisan cheese and dairy producers on a European level. It has been mandated by the European Commission to develop a community guide for good hygiene practices, dedicated to farmhouse and artisan dairies and cheese houses.
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